Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A little update and a giveaway alert!

I haven't posted in a bit but more recently I've found out that I'll be moving.  To where???   Well I've gone full circle....heading back home.  Well, to the other half of my original home to be exact!  LOL  My parents tenant is moving out and even though I only live 3 houses away now and giving up my SPACIOUS apartment here, I decided to move into their apartment.  Even though I have more space here and I think a bit more privacy, I'm on the 3rd floor which is ICKY.  Now I'll have an apartment with an upstairs and downstairs, a HUGE craftroom and a nice porch.  Ohhhh, I'll have a little garden too and I'll be surrounded by family just like when I was growing up.  Mom and Dad will be in the other half of the house.  My great aunt and uncle still live in the house on one side (along with their little dog that doesn't like me too much!) and my uncle now lives in what was my grandparents house on the other side.  So needless to say I've been packing away and clearing out some stuff since I won't have as much room now.  I am DETERMINED to fit my prim hutch in my living room one way or another.  Do I really need a couch????   :)   I'll take pics once I'm in......Mom and I think I'll have a cute lil prim place!

And now onto the GIVEAWAY ALERT!!!  Head on over to Firecracker Kid's blog to see the great giveaway Carol and her hubby are giving away and read the cute story about their first date!!!!   So cute to see they still talk about it today!

Take Care,
Aunt DeeDee